About Us
Clinical-regulatory practices are fundamental procedures for all medical device manufactures. Today, Notified Bodies carefully monitor clinical regulatory documents. Industry knowledge and expertise is required to produce high quality documentation. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) requires manufacturers to thoroughly search the most up to date scientific literature and to systematically review, analyze, and summarize the current available evidence. In addition, adherence to the recent guidelines that are continuously updated is also vital. This process requires attention to detail, expert knowledge and past learned lessons.
Cliniture understands that medical companies may not have the required expertise to produce clinical-regulatory documents to a high standard as required by regulators, in a timely and cost-effective manner. Cliniture offers expert medical writing services to medical manufacturers. Our professionals’ academic background and industry experience allow us to submit a high quality of work in various areas, from regulatory documents to scientific publications. Our skills include data analysis, systematic review and appraisal, good clinical practice and writing engaging and scientifically robust manuscripts and presentations. We appreciate accuracy and dedication, and we are motivated to support our clients’ complex journeys. Efficiency is a cornerstone for us, and we do our best to make the most of the data our clients have already collected, while promoting creative thinking to find the most cost-effective solutions.
Lihi Levin is the founder and CEO of Cliniture. Lihi holds an MSc. Biology from the Weizmann Institute of Science and has an in-depth understanding of clinical-regulatory procedures and documentation.
Cliniture works in partnership with our clients for the common goal of business growth, strength and sustainability. Cliniture can provide for all your medical, regulatory and clinical writing needs by a team of experts with a track record of high quality service.